Saturday, January 01, 2011
Our Blessed Lady's Saturday

From The Mother of the Saviour
by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O. P.
Grace of Intimacy with Mary
Some souls are favored with a special grace of union with Mary. Fr. E. Neubert, the Marianist, has gathered a number of significant testimonies in this connection. [38] Reference must also be made to the work 'Mystic Union with Mary,' written by a Flemish recluse, Marie de Sainte-Therese (1623-1677), who had personal experience of the subject on which she wrote.
Fr. Chaminade, who exercised the priestly ministry at Bordeaux with great zeal during the French Revolution and who founded the Marianists, had the same experience. He wrote: 'There is a gift of the habitual presence of the Blessed Virgin even as there is a gift of the habitual presence of God ---- very rare, it is true, but obtainable through great fidelity.' As Fr. Neubert explains, this text refers to normal and habitual mystical union with Mary. The Ven. L. Ed. Cestac had the same gift. 'I do not see her,' he said, 'but I feel her presence as the horse feels the hand on the rein.' Thus these souls are conscious of the influence which Mary exercises on us continually by transmitting actual graces to our souls.
Marie de Sainte-Therese has words to the same effect: 'That sweet mother has taken me under her maternal direction just as a teacher takes in her own the hand of the child she is teaching to write. . . She remains almost uninterruptedly before my soul, drawing me to herself in so loving and motherly a manner, stimulating me, guiding me, instructing me in the way of the spirit and in the perfect practice of the virtues. And I do not lose for a single instant the charm of her presence along with that of the Godhead . . . she produces the Divine life in me by an imperceptible inflow of different graces . . . It is of the nature of love to unite itself to the object loved . . . Thus tender, burning and unifying love draws the soul which loves Mary to live in her, to be united to her, and to other effects and transformations . . . Then God shows Himself in Mary and by her as in a mirror.' Such was a great part of the life of this servant of God.
Some souls who have had great intimacy with Mary say that they never experienced her presence in them, but rather her presence very near them ---- as near as possible, in fact and that they felt a great joy at knowing of her happiness. We have known a Saintly Carthusian who said: 'I suffer, but she is happy.'
Finally, many holy souls have had, in the midst of their sufferings, a gift of deep intimacy with Mary which was the source of their strength even though they have left no account of it. Many of them have experienced, were it only for an instant, her presence like that of a mother who peeps into the room where her children are. In such experiences she communicates an indescribable holiness, and prompts to more generous sacrifices, such as lead the soul into the depths contained in the Magnificat and the Stabat Mater.
Labels: Our Blessed Lady
Music For the Eighth Day Of Christmas
Celtic Woman, The Wexford Carol
Vienna Boys' Choir, Still, Still, Still
Mannheim Steamroller, Master's In This Hall
Nashville Early Music Ensemble, In Dulci Jubilo
Vienna Boys' Choir, Still, Still, Still
Mannheim Steamroller, Master's In This Hall
Nashville Early Music Ensemble, In Dulci Jubilo
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
The Circumcision Of the Lord and the Octave Of Christmas

January First has many titles in the Church. A proliferation coming after Vatican Ii, as the church seems unable to settle on lasting theme having diminished its previous traditional theme for the day. But traditionally it has been observed as the Feast of the Circumcision.
The Catholic Encyclopedia on this feast.
Labels: Our Lord
January 2011

Boston preparing for First Night festivities.
Important feasts during the month of January include:
1st Octave of Christmas, Solemnity of the Blessed Mother, The Lord's Circumcision
2nd SS. Basil the Great and Macarius the Younger
3rd St. Genivieve
4th St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
5th St. John Neumann (Twelfth Night)
6th Epiphany of the Lord
7th St. Raymond of Penafort
9th St. Adrian of Canterbury
10th St. William of Bourges
12th St. Benedict Biscop
13th The Baptism of the Lord
14th St. Hilary of Poitiers
15th St. Paul the Hermit
17th St. Anthony the Abbot
18th Chair of St. Peter
20th St. Sebastian
21st St. Agnes
23rd Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph
24th St. Francis de Sales
25th Conversion of St. Paul
26th SS. Timothy & Titus
27th St. Angela Merici
28th St. Thomas Aquinas and Bl. Charlemagne
30th St. Aldegundis
31st St. John Bosco
The First Friday of the month of January is the 7th.
The First Saturday of the month of January is the 1st.
The month of January is dedicated by the Church to The Holy Name and Childhood of Jesus.
January begins in the Season of Christmas. The Epiphany of January 6th ushers in the Season after Epiphany. This year, Septuagesima Sunday is late and does not occur until the 20th of February. There are no embertides in January.
Our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI's published prayer intentions for January, 2011 are:
That the riches of creation be preserved, valued and made available to all, as precious gifts from God to mankind.
That Christians may achieve full unity, bearing witness of the universal fatherhood of God to the entire human race.
Labels: First Of the Month Almanac
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday At the Foot Of the Cross

What child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the king,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The babe, the son of Mary!
Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear; for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.
Nails, spear shall pierce him through,
The cross be borne for me, for you;
Hail, hail the Word made flesh,
The babe, the son of Mary!
So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh;
Come, peasant, king, to own Him.
The King of kings salvation brings;
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise the song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby;
Joy, joy, for Christ is born,
The babe, the son of Mary!
Labels: Friday At the Foot Of the Cross
Music For the Seventh Day Of Christmas
The Clancy Brothers, The Lovely Far Off City
George Winston, The Holly and the Ivy
The Chieftains, The Holly She Bears A Berry
Jethro Tull, Bouree
George Winston, The Holly and the Ivy
The Chieftains, The Holly She Bears A Berry
Jethro Tull, Bouree
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
My Father's Twenty-First Anniversary
My father, George Thomas Senior, died twenty-one years ago this morning. He had just returned from 9:30 Mass with my mother, and went around the corner to chip ice away from the door of an elderly neighbor. Moments later, there was a frantic phone call that he had collapsed. I dressed and rushed to the scene and arrived just in time to see the ambulance crew carry him in. Efforts to revive him failed.
V. Requiem aeternam, dona ei Domine.
R. Et lux perpetua luceat in ei.
V. Requiescat in pace.
R. Amen.
Deus, qui nos patrem et matrem honorare praecepisti: miserere clementer animabus patris et matris meae eorumque peccata dimitte: meque eos in aeternae claritatis gaudio fac videre. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Enjoy George Donaldson of Celtic Thunder performing, The Old Man
In your charity, please pray for the repose of his soul.
V. Requiem aeternam, dona ei Domine.
R. Et lux perpetua luceat in ei.
V. Requiescat in pace.
R. Amen.
Deus, qui nos patrem et matrem honorare praecepisti: miserere clementer animabus patris et matris meae eorumque peccata dimitte: meque eos in aeternae claritatis gaudio fac videre. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Enjoy George Donaldson of Celtic Thunder performing, The Old Man
In your charity, please pray for the repose of his soul.
Labels: Requiescat In Pace
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Music For the Sixth Day Of Christmas
Loreena McKennit, The Holly And the Ivy
Celtic Woman, In the Bleak Mid-Winter/The First Noel
Loreena McKennit, The Gloucestershire Wassail
The Clancy Brothers, Angels We Have Heard On High
Celtic Woman, In the Bleak Mid-Winter/The First Noel
Loreena McKennit, The Gloucestershire Wassail
The Clancy Brothers, Angels We Have Heard On High
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas In Colonial Williamsburg

I have always been fascinated by 18th century Christmas customs. Obsessed might be a better word. Tables laid out in the festive "groaning board" fashion, lemon and apple cones on the mantel, silver candlabra, garlands of evergreens, holly and ivy, apple/pineapple plaques over doors, bowls of wassail and eggnog, Virginia hams and brandied peaches, good old-fashioned roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, the smells of orange, lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger, as well as that of balsam, Christmas Cake, Christmas Pie, and of course, Christmas Pudding!
Here is a link about Christmas from Williamburg>.
And an article about the popular Williamsburg style of decoration.
And that is just part of a larger Christmas In Williamsburg site.
Labels: Christmas
Saint Thomas a Becket

From The Golden Legend
From Catholic On Line

Remember the especial vehemence with which English protestants attacked the cult of Saint Thomas a Becket, because Henry VIII saw it as a potential rallying point for anti-royal Catholic revolt. So celebrate this great martyred with special emphasis.
Labels: Christmas, Our Saintly Brethern
Music For the Fifth Day Of Christmas
Christmas with a French touch for today.
Il Est Ne
Loreena McKennitt - Noël Nouvelet!
Bring A Torch Jeanette, Isabella
Pavarotti, O Holy Night
The Chieftains, The Breton Carol
Il Est Ne
Loreena McKennitt - Noël Nouvelet!
Bring A Torch Jeanette, Isabella
Pavarotti, O Holy Night
The Chieftains, The Breton Carol
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Music For the Fourth Day Of Christmas
The Deller Consort, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
The Boar's Head Carol/Here We Come A'Wassailing
Pavarotti, from the famous 1978 concert at Notre Dame du Montreal
The Clancy Brothers, The Christ Child Lullaby
The Boar's Head Carol/Here We Come A'Wassailing
Pavarotti, from the famous 1978 concert at Notre Dame du Montreal
The Clancy Brothers, The Christ Child Lullaby
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
The Slaughter Of the Holy Innocents

The Coventry Carol
1. Lullay, Thou little tiny Child,
By, by, lully, lullay.
Lullay, Thou little tiny Child.
By, by, lully, lullay.
2. O sisters, too, how may we do,
For to preserve this day;
This poor Youngling for whom we sing,
By, by, lully, lullay.
3. Herod the King, in his raging,
Charged he hath this day;
His men of might, in his own sight,
All children young, to slay.
4. Then woe is me, poor Child, for Thee,
And ever mourn and say;
For Thy parting, nor say nor sing,
By, by, lully, lullay.
In Herod's time, a slaughter of holy innocent babes was an outstanding once-in-a-lifetime event. For us, the murderous sin of abortion has made the slaughter of holy innocents a daily, constant massacre. God help us!
Labels: Christmas, Our Saintly Brethern
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saint John the Evangelist

This is the feast of one of my special patrons, Saint John the Evangelist. John is my confirmation name.
From The Golden Legend
A prayer to Our Blessed Lady and to her adopted son, Saint John (translation by Michael W. Martin):
O Intemerata
O UNSPOTTED and forever blessed, unique and incomparable virgin Mary, Mother of God, most graceful temple of God, sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, gate of the kingdom of heaven, by whom next unto God the whole world liveth, incline O Mother of Mercy thy ears of piety unto my unworthy supplications, and be merciful to me a most wretched sinner, and be unto me a helper in all things.
O most blessed John, the beloved and friend of Christ, which by the same Lord Jesus Christ was chosen a virgin, and among the rest more beloved, above all instructed in the heavenly mysteries, for thou wast made a most worthy Apostle and Evangelist: thee also I call upon with Mary, the mother of the same Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to afford me thy aid with hers.
O ye two celestial jewels, Mary, and John. O ye two lights divinely shining before God. Chase away by your bright beams the clouds of my offenses.
For you are those two in whom God the Father through His own Son, specially built His own house, and in whom the only-begotten Son of God as the reward of your most sincere virginity confirmed the privilege of His love while hanging on the Cross, saying thus to one of you: "Woman, behold thy son," and then to the other, "Behold thy mother."
In the sweetness therefore of His most sacred love, through which by our Lord's own mouth, as mother and son you were joined to each other, I, a most wretched sinner, commend this day to you my body and soul, that at all hours and moments, inwardly and outwardly, you would vouchsafe to be unto me steadfast guardians and devout intercessors before God.
I indeed firmly believe and accept beyond any doubt that one who wants to be yours will belong to God and one who does not want to be yours will not belong to God, for you can obtain whatever you ask from God without delay. By virtue of your most powerful worthiness, beg, I beseech you, for the well being of my body and soul.
Plead, I beseech you, plead for me by your holy prayers that the loving Spirit, the best giver of graces, may vouchsafe to visit my heart and dwell therein, the self same Spirit who may thoroughly purge me from all filth of vice, lighten and adorn me with sacred virtues: who would cause me to stand perfectly and to persevere in the love of God and my neighbor, and, after the course of this life, may this most benign comforter bring me to the joys of His elect, He, who with God the Father and the Son is co-eternal and consubstantial with them and in them, liveth and reigneth as Almighty God, forever and ever.
Labels: Our Saintly Brethern
Music For the Third Day Of Christmas
Annie Lennox, God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Bangers and Mash and Fezziwigger Dancers, Sir Roger de Coverley
The Clancy Brothers, The Holly Bears A Berry
The Chieftains, Past Three O'Clock
Bangers and Mash and Fezziwigger Dancers, Sir Roger de Coverley
The Clancy Brothers, The Holly Bears A Berry
The Chieftains, Past Three O'Clock
Labels: Christmas, Pleasing Tunes
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hunting the Wren

Liam Clancy in an early solo version
And just so that your Irish Christmas needs don't go unfulfilled, here are the Clancy Brothers singing Jingle Bells In Gaelic:
The Chieftains, The Bells Of Dublin
The Clancy Brothers, Curoo, Curoo
The West Clare Wren Boys. West Clare: I wonder if the assembly includes any Fitzpatricks from Lahinch, or Shanahans from Letterkelly

Labels: Christmas
Saint Stephen the Proto-Martyr

The Catholic Encyclopedia
The Golden Legend
Saint Stephen, please pray for us!
Labels: Our Saintly Brethern