Saturday, June 30, 2012
Our Blessed Lady's Saturday
Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, what ineffable power thy Divine Son hath given thee over His Own adorable Heart. Full of trust in thy merits, we come before thee and beg thy protection. O heavenly Treasurer of the Heart of Jesus, that Heart which is the inexhaustible source of all graces, which thou mayest open to us at thy good pleasure, in order that from it may flow forth upon mankind the riches of love and mercy, light and salvation, that are contained therein; grant unto us, we beseech thee, the favors which we seek ... We can never, never be refused by thee, and since thou art our Mother, O our Lady of the Sacred Heart, graciously hear our prayers and grant our request.
A prayer to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on this Our Lady's Saturday, which happens to also be the last day of the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart by Holy Mother the Church.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Friday At the Foot Of the Cross
From The Imitation Of the Sacred Heart Of Jesus, by Father Peter Arnoudt, SJ:
My Heart is humble: humility is the foundation of true sanctity.
If thou do not learn humility of My Heart, thou shalt never possess this virtue; nor shalt thou know aught of it except the name.
And if thou build the structure of perfection upon aught else, it cannot be solid; and it shall be overthrown by the least breath of wind, and great shall be the fall thereof.
Moreover, My Heart is meek, full of charity: now, charity is the perfection holiness.
But thy heart shall never be inflamed with charity, unless it be enkindled by that fire of love wherewith My Own is burning.
Woe to thee, if thou enkindlest thy heart with any strange fire! thou wilt indeed burn, but for thy destruction.
Saint Peter (Apostle, Pope, & Martyr) and Saint Paul (Apostle and Martyr)

You can pray the traditional Office for this feast here.
Deus, qui hodiérnam diem Apostolórum tuórum Petri et Pauli martyrio consecrásti : da Ecclésiæ tuæ, eórum in ómnibus sequi præcéptum; per quos religiónis sumpsit exordium.
Let us pray.
O God, who didst hallow this day by the martyrdom of thine holy Apostles Peter and Paul, grant unto thy Church, whose foundations thou wast pleased to lay by their hands, the grace always in all things to remain faithful to their teaching.

Saint Peter, please pray for us!
Saint Paul, please pray for us!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer
Today is the feast (in the 1970 Ordo) of Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei.

One of the misfortunes of being a traddie is being locked into the Ordo circa 1962, which prevents saints recently canonized like Saint Josemaria and Saint Padre Pio from being liturgically recognized.
Saint Josemaria's little guide to spirituality, The Way, ought to be on every Catholic bookshelf, right next to The Imitation Of Christ and The Glories Of Mary.
One of the misfortunes of being a traddie is being locked into the Ordo circa 1962, which prevents saints recently canonized like Saint Josemaria and Saint Padre Pio from being liturgically recognized.
Saint Josemaria's little guide to spirituality, The Way, ought to be on every Catholic bookshelf, right next to The Imitation Of Christ and The Glories Of Mary.