Saturday, April 28, 2018
Saint Paul of the Cross, Confessor (1962 Ordo) & Saint Louis de Montfort, Confessor (1970 Ordo)
Two of my particular heavenly patrons share today as their feast day, sort of.
In the calendar of the Ordinary Form of the Mass, today, April 28th, is the feast of Saint Louis de Montfort. He is best known for his book True Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Fisheaters has broken down the method for total consecration to Jesus through Mary here.

Saint Louis de Montfort, pray for us!
And for those following the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, today is the feast of Saint Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionists. The Catholic Encyclopedia has more.

Saint Paul of the Cross, pray for us!
Saint Louis de Montfort, please pray for us!
Special thanks to both patrons for special favors granted on April 28th!
In the calendar of the Ordinary Form of the Mass, today, April 28th, is the feast of Saint Louis de Montfort. He is best known for his book True Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Fisheaters has broken down the method for total consecration to Jesus through Mary here.

Saint Louis de Montfort, pray for us!
And for those following the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, today is the feast of Saint Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionists. The Catholic Encyclopedia has more.
"It is an excellent and holy practice to call to mind and meditate on our Lord's Passion, since it is by this path that we shall arrive at union with God. In this, the holiest of all schools, true wisdom is learned, for it was there that all the saints became wise."

Saint Paul of the Cross, pray for us!
Saint Louis de Montfort, please pray for us!
Special thanks to both patrons for special favors granted on April 28th!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Saint Mark, Evangelist & The Greater Litanies
Saint Mark, please pray for us!
St. Mark's Day is also the day for the Greater Litanies.
Read about the procession and recitation of the Litany of the Saints and Psalms undertaken this day, and why.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Saint George, Martyr
Saint George was a Roman soldier and confessed Catholic who was martyred in the early 300s during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian. Saint George is a particular patron of mine, being the patron of England, soldiers, and of men named George. I have an excellent array of name-saint patrons: George, Thomas the Apostle, and John the Evangelist.

The Fifth Regiment of Foot was entitled to wear an image of St. George and the Dragon on its Colours and other accoutrements.

The Cross of St. George is standard for Episcopalian churches in the US

I particularly like the armed saints, like St. Juan de Capistrano, Saint James the Moor-Slayer, St. Michael the Archangel, St. George, and St. Martin of Tours.

Saint George, please pray for us!

The Fifth Regiment of Foot was entitled to wear an image of St. George and the Dragon on its Colours and other accoutrements.

The Cross of St. George is standard for Episcopalian churches in the US

I particularly like the armed saints, like St. Juan de Capistrano, Saint James the Moor-Slayer, St. Michael the Archangel, St. George, and St. Martin of Tours.

Saint George, please pray for us!