You are the Celtic Cross: This cross was first made out of stone and is often found atop hills, in front of castles and in graveyards throughout Ireland and Scotland. The stone was carved with various symbols including a circle or halo (representing eternal life) and variations of the celtic knot.
"The Catholic novelist Evelyn Waugh,
that superbly gifted but curmudgeonly
and occasionally malevolent writer,
had a wickedly sharp tongue,
and sometimes behaved as though
he loved to inflict pain by his words.
One day, a brave woman dared to ask him:
'Mr. Waugh, you say such horrible things to people,
I cannot believe you are really religious.
How can you behave as you do,
and still remain a Christian?'
He replied with grim sincerity:
'Madam, I may be all the things you say.
But believe me, were it not for my religion,
I would scarcely be a human being.'"
Paul Johnson