Saturday, July 10, 2010
Our Blessed Lady's Saturday

Holy Mary, Source of the Divine Blood! I conjure Thee not to lose this occasion of glorifying the Blood which made Thee Immaculate.
Labels: Our Blessed Lady
Friday, July 09, 2010
Friday At the Foot Of the Cross

Act of Consecration to the Most Precious Blood
Blood of Jesus, inebriate me! O Jesus, my Beloved Savior, ever present in the Tabernacle, to be the strength, the joy and the food of souls, I come to consecrate myself to Thy Precious Blood, and to pledge Thee my sincere love and fidelity. Pierced with sorrow at the remembrance of Thy sufferings, the contemplation of the Cross, and the thought of the outrages and contempt lavished by ungrateful souls upon Thy dear Blood, I long, O my Jesus, to bring joy to Thy Heart, and to make Thee forget my sins, and those of the whole world, by consecrating my body and soul to Thy service. I desire, my Jesus, to live henceforth, only by Thy Blood and for Thy Blood. I now choose It as my greatest treasure and the dearest object of my love.
O merciful Redeemer, deign to regard me as a perpetual adorer of Thy Most Precious Blood, and be pleased to accept my prayers, my deeds and my sacrifices, as so many acts of reparation and love.
Heavenly Wine, giver of purity and strength, pour down upon my soul. Make of my heart a living chalice from which grace shall constantly flow on those that love Thee, and especially on poor sinners that offend Thee. Teach me to honor Thee and to make Thee honored by others. Give me power to draw to Thee cold and hardened hearts, that they may feel how infinitely Thy consolations surpass those of the world.
O Blood of my Crucified Savior, detach me from the world, and the spirit of the world. Make me love suffering and sacrifice, after the example of St. Catherine of Sienna, who loved Thee so much [and whom I choose again today as my special patroness].
O Precious Blood, be my strength amid the trials and struggles of exile. Grant that at the hour of death I may be able to bless Thee for having been the comfort and the sanctification of my soul, before becoming, in Heaven, the everlasting object of my love and praise.
Saints of God, who owe thy happiness to the Blood of Jesus; Angelic spirits, who sing Its glory and power, august Virgin, who to It owest the privileges of thine Immaculate Conception and Divine Maternity, help me to pay to the Precious Blood of my Redeemer a perpetual homage of adoration, reparation and thanksgiving. Amen.
Labels: Friday At the Foot Of the Cross
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Requiescat In Pace
Veteran Boston TV newsman John Henning died this morning at the age of 73. I remember when he was paired with Jack Hynes on the 6pm news in my childhood. That was a solid, professional, substantive newscast. In the course of his career, he anchored the news for all three of the MSM networks in the Boston area (Channels 4, 5, and 7). In later years, he had cut back his role to that of a senior commentator on politics. He was the brother of former BC football coach Dan Henning. I have now passed the last 12 years without watching network television programming, using the TV only as a platform for the VCR, and now for DVDs. But still, the icons of one's youth pass and one is shocked at the realization of the passing of the world.
Requiescat in pace.
Requiescat in pace.
Labels: Requiescat In Pace
The Traditional Mass In New England
The following information on the availability of the traditional Mass in the New England states is from WikiMissa:
Archdiocese of Boston, diocese of Springfield, diocese of Worcester, diocese of Fall River
Archdiocese of Boston
01801 - WOBURN - St Catherine of Siena Chapel 237 Lexington Street, Room 7 (lower level) - BOSTON
Sun 6:00 pm
Pho (508) 643-3199
SSPX (Fr Kevin Robinson)
01844 - METHUEN - St. Monica Parish 214 Lawrence Street
Wed 7pm
Masses subject to last-minute cancellation. Call to confirm.
Other Sacraments according to the 1962 Rituale available upon request.
Pho (978) 683-1193
Diocese (Fr Patrick Armano)
01901 - LYNN - St. Joseph Parish - Convent chapel 43 Green Street
Masses suspended July 2010 due to clergy moving away.
Pho (781) 599-7040 -
01960 - PEABODY - St Adelaide Parish 708 Lowell St
Every Sunday 1 pm
1st Sat 9 am
Confessions usually available about 20 minutes before Masses
Pho (978) 535-1985
Diocese (Fr David Carr Lewis, Fr Raymond Van de Moortell, Fr Massimiliano Camporese)
02019 - BELLINGHAM - St Brendan Parish 382 Hartford Ave
2nd Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (508) 966-0260
Diocese (Fr David Mullen)
02118 - BOSTON - Holy Cross Cathedral (Tridentine Chapel - Lower Level) 75 Union Park St
Sun 11 am
1st Fri 7:30 pm
Feast Days 7:30pm, including Holy Thursday, Good Friday
Pho (617) 542-5682
Diocese (Fr Kevin O'Leary)
02128 - EAST BOSTON - Sacred Heart Parish 43 Brooks Street
Mon 7 pm - call
Pho (617) 567-5776
Diocese (Fr Wayne Belschner)
02301 - BROCKTON - Chapel of Our Savior 475 Westgate Drive
Fri : 2nd 7:00 PM
Pho (508) 583-8357
02346 - MIDDLEBOROUGH - Sacred Heart Church 340 Centre Street
Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (508) 947-0444
Diocese (Fr Jason Worthley)
02464 - NEWTON UPPER FALLS - Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church 270 Elliot Street
Sun 12 pm
Mon, Sat 9 am - Tue, Thur 5:30 pm - Wed, Fri 12:30 pm
Pho (617) 244-0558
Diocese (Fr Charles Higgins)
Diocese of Springfield
01376 - TURNERS FALLS - Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish 84 K Street
Tue call
Pho (413) 863-4748
Diocese (Fr John Lessard Thidodeau)
Diocese of Fall River
02659 - SOUTH CHATHAM - Our Lady of Grace Church Rt.137
Sun 1 pm
Pho (508) 945-0677
Diocese (Fr Neilson)
02743 - ACUSHNET - St. Francis Xavier Parish 125 Main St
Thu 5:30 pm
Pho 508-995-7600
02746 - NEW BEDFORD - St Anthony of Padua Church 1359 Acushnet Ave
1st Sat 8 am
Pho (508) 993-1691
02601 - HYANNIS - Francis Xavier Church 347 South St
Sun 1 pm
Pho (508) 775-0818
Diocese (Fr. Andrew Johnson)
Diocese of Worcester
01083 - WARREN - St. Paul Parish 1082 Main St
Sun 10:30 am
Pho (413) 436-7327
01467 - STILL RIVER - Convent Chapel of St Anne's Chapel 254 Still River Rd
Sun 9:30 am, 11 am
Mon-Fri 7 am; Sat 8am
Pho (978) 456-8017
01467 - STILL RIVER - Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 282 Still River Rd
Sun 7:30 am (Low), 9:00 am (Sung)
Mon-Sat 8:30 am
Pho (978) 456-8296
01420 - FITCHBURG - St. Joseph's Church 49 Woodland Street
Sun 12:30 pm (Confessions at 12pm)
Pho (978) 345-7997
¤ Diocese of Providence
Diocese of Providence
02878 - Tiverton - Holy Ghost Church 316 Judson Street
1st Sunday of each month - 12:00 Noon
Monday's during Advent & Lent - 5:00 PM
Phone (401) 624-8131
Diocese (Fr. Jay A. Finelli)
02889 - WARWICK - St. Timothy Parish 1799 Warwick Ave
Sun 12:45 pm (High Mass)
Wed 12:00 pm
Fri 12:00 pm
Pho (401) 739-9552
Diocese (Fr Barry M. Meehan, PhD? and Fr Michael J. McMahon?)
02905 - CRANSTON - St. Paul Church 30 Warwick Avenue
Tue 8 am
Pho (401) 461-5734
Diocese (Fr Albert P. Marcello, III)
02895 - WOONSOCKET - St Joseph Church 1200 Mendon Road
Fri 9 am in Lent, excl. Good Friday
(Feb 27, Mar 6, 14, 21, 28, Apr 3)
Pho (401) 766-0626
Diocese (Fr Michael Woolley)
02906 - PROVIDENCE - Holy Name of Jesus Church 99 Camp Street
Sun 7:30 a.m. (Lady Chapel), 11 am
Sat 8 am
Pho (401) 272-4515
Diocese (Fr Joseph Dos Santos)
02914 - EAST PROVIDENCE - St Martha Church 2596 Pawtucket Ave
Sun 5 pm
Pho (401) 494-4060
02914 - EAST PROVIDENCE - Sacred Heart Parish 100 Taunton Ave
Last Sun 11:00 am
Pho (401) 434-0326
Archdiocese of Hartford, diocese of Bridgeport, diocese of Norwich
Diocese of Bridgeport
06608 - BRIDGEPORT - Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church 79 Church Street
Sun 10:15 am
Pho (203) 333-7003
Diocese (Msgr Joseph Pekar)
06850 - NORWALK - St. Mary's Catholic Church 669 West Ave
Sun 9:30 am
Wed 7 pm
Pho (203) 866-5546
06902 - STAMFORD - Sacred Heart Church 37 Schuyler Ave
1st sun 1:30 pm
Pho (203) 324-9544
Diocese (Fr Sherman Gray, Fr John Pikulski)
06905 - STAMFORD - St Gabriel Church 914 Newfield Ave
Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (203) 322-7383
Diocese of Norwich
06469 - MOODUS - St Bridget of Kildare Church North Moodus Rd
Sun 12 pm
Pho (860) 873-8623
Diocese (Fr Gregoire Fluet)
Archdiocese of Hartford
05611 - NEW HAVEN - St Stanislaus Church 9 Eld Street
Sun 2 pm
Pho (203) 562-2828
06051 - NEW BRITAIN - Church of St Mary 544 Main Street
Sun 4 pm
Pho (860) 229-4894
06074 - WINDSOR - St Lawrence Mission 1001 Foster Street - HARTFORD
Sun 3:45 pm
Pho (860) 644-5799
SSPX (Fr John Pfeiffer)
06082 - ENFIELD - St Martha Church 214 Brainard Road
Sun 12 pm
Pho (860) 745-5616
06702 - WATERBURY - Immaculate Conception Church 74 West Main Street
Sun 6 pm
Pho (203) 574-0017
06877 - RIDGEFIELD - St. Ignatius Retreat House 209 Tackora Trl
Sun 9:00 am
Daily 7:15 am
Pho (203) 431-0201
SSPX (Fr Gerardo Zendejas)
Diocese of Manchester
03457 - MUNSONVILLE - Our Lady of the Snows North Shore Rd., Granite Lake
2nd or 3rd Sun 1:00 pm
Phone (603) 847 3361 or (603) 847 3362
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
..... - SALEM - St Francis Xavier Cabrini Mission
Phone (603) 764 52 18
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
03282 - WENTWORTH - St Anne's Chapel Ellsworth Hill Rd.
Sunday 9:30 am except 3rd 1:00 pm
Daily mass 8:00 am
Phone (603) 764 52 18
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
03060 - NASHUA - St Patrick Church 29 Spring Street
2nd & 4th Sun 1:30 pm
Pho (603) 882-2262
Diocese (Fr Martin Kelly)
03431 - KEENE - St Margaret Mary Church 33 Arch Street
3rd & 5th Sun 3 pm
Pho (603) 352-1311
Diocese (Fr Daniel Lamothe)
03755 - HANOVER - St Denis Parish 29 Lebanon Street
1st & 3rd Sun 9 am
Pho (603) 643-2166
Diocese (Fr Becket Soule)
03801 - PORTSMOUTH - Immaculate Conception Church 98 Summer Street
1st Sun 11 am
Fri 12 pm
Pho (603) 436-4555
Diocese (Fr Michael Kerper)
Diocese of Portland
04101 - PORTLAND - Immaculate Conception Cathedral Chapel 307 Congress St
Sun 12 pm
Pho (207) 773-7746
Diocese (Fr James Nadeau)
04240 - LEWISTON - Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 27 Bartlett Street
Sun 8 am
Pho (207) 777-1200
04553 - NEWCASTLE - St Patrick Church 32 Pond Road
2nd sun 12:30 pm
Pho (207) 563-3240
Diocese (Fr Stephen Mulkern)
Diocese of Burlington
05033 - BRADFORD - Our Lady of Perpetual Help 113 Upper Plain
Sat 4 pm
Pho (802) 222-5268
Diocese (Fr Philip LaMothe?)
Archdiocese of Boston, diocese of Springfield, diocese of Worcester, diocese of Fall River
Archdiocese of Boston
01801 - WOBURN - St Catherine of Siena Chapel 237 Lexington Street, Room 7 (lower level) - BOSTON
Sun 6:00 pm
Pho (508) 643-3199
SSPX (Fr Kevin Robinson)
01844 - METHUEN - St. Monica Parish 214 Lawrence Street
Wed 7pm
Masses subject to last-minute cancellation. Call to confirm.
Other Sacraments according to the 1962 Rituale available upon request.
Pho (978) 683-1193
Diocese (Fr Patrick Armano)
01901 - LYNN - St. Joseph Parish - Convent chapel 43 Green Street
Masses suspended July 2010 due to clergy moving away.
Pho (781) 599-7040 -
01960 - PEABODY - St Adelaide Parish 708 Lowell St
Every Sunday 1 pm
1st Sat 9 am
Confessions usually available about 20 minutes before Masses
Pho (978) 535-1985
Diocese (Fr David Carr Lewis, Fr Raymond Van de Moortell, Fr Massimiliano Camporese)
02019 - BELLINGHAM - St Brendan Parish 382 Hartford Ave
2nd Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (508) 966-0260
Diocese (Fr David Mullen)
02118 - BOSTON - Holy Cross Cathedral (Tridentine Chapel - Lower Level) 75 Union Park St
Sun 11 am
1st Fri 7:30 pm
Feast Days 7:30pm, including Holy Thursday, Good Friday
Pho (617) 542-5682
Diocese (Fr Kevin O'Leary)
02128 - EAST BOSTON - Sacred Heart Parish 43 Brooks Street
Mon 7 pm - call
Pho (617) 567-5776
Diocese (Fr Wayne Belschner)
02301 - BROCKTON - Chapel of Our Savior 475 Westgate Drive
Fri : 2nd 7:00 PM
Pho (508) 583-8357
02346 - MIDDLEBOROUGH - Sacred Heart Church 340 Centre Street
Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (508) 947-0444
Diocese (Fr Jason Worthley)
02464 - NEWTON UPPER FALLS - Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church 270 Elliot Street
Sun 12 pm
Mon, Sat 9 am - Tue, Thur 5:30 pm - Wed, Fri 12:30 pm
Pho (617) 244-0558
Diocese (Fr Charles Higgins)
Diocese of Springfield
01376 - TURNERS FALLS - Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish 84 K Street
Tue call
Pho (413) 863-4748
Diocese (Fr John Lessard Thidodeau)
Diocese of Fall River
02659 - SOUTH CHATHAM - Our Lady of Grace Church Rt.137
Sun 1 pm
Pho (508) 945-0677
Diocese (Fr Neilson)
02743 - ACUSHNET - St. Francis Xavier Parish 125 Main St
Thu 5:30 pm
Pho 508-995-7600
02746 - NEW BEDFORD - St Anthony of Padua Church 1359 Acushnet Ave
1st Sat 8 am
Pho (508) 993-1691
02601 - HYANNIS - Francis Xavier Church 347 South St
Sun 1 pm
Pho (508) 775-0818
Diocese (Fr. Andrew Johnson)
Diocese of Worcester
01083 - WARREN - St. Paul Parish 1082 Main St
Sun 10:30 am
Pho (413) 436-7327
01467 - STILL RIVER - Convent Chapel of St Anne's Chapel 254 Still River Rd
Sun 9:30 am, 11 am
Mon-Fri 7 am; Sat 8am
Pho (978) 456-8017
01467 - STILL RIVER - Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 282 Still River Rd
Sun 7:30 am (Low), 9:00 am (Sung)
Mon-Sat 8:30 am
Pho (978) 456-8296
01420 - FITCHBURG - St. Joseph's Church 49 Woodland Street
Sun 12:30 pm (Confessions at 12pm)
Pho (978) 345-7997
¤ Diocese of Providence
Diocese of Providence
02878 - Tiverton - Holy Ghost Church 316 Judson Street
1st Sunday of each month - 12:00 Noon
Monday's during Advent & Lent - 5:00 PM
Phone (401) 624-8131
Diocese (Fr. Jay A. Finelli)
02889 - WARWICK - St. Timothy Parish 1799 Warwick Ave
Sun 12:45 pm (High Mass)
Wed 12:00 pm
Fri 12:00 pm
Pho (401) 739-9552
Diocese (Fr Barry M. Meehan, PhD? and Fr Michael J. McMahon?)
02905 - CRANSTON - St. Paul Church 30 Warwick Avenue
Tue 8 am
Pho (401) 461-5734
Diocese (Fr Albert P. Marcello, III)
02895 - WOONSOCKET - St Joseph Church 1200 Mendon Road
Fri 9 am in Lent, excl. Good Friday
(Feb 27, Mar 6, 14, 21, 28, Apr 3)
Pho (401) 766-0626
Diocese (Fr Michael Woolley)
02906 - PROVIDENCE - Holy Name of Jesus Church 99 Camp Street
Sun 7:30 a.m. (Lady Chapel), 11 am
Sat 8 am
Pho (401) 272-4515
Diocese (Fr Joseph Dos Santos)
02914 - EAST PROVIDENCE - St Martha Church 2596 Pawtucket Ave
Sun 5 pm
Pho (401) 494-4060
02914 - EAST PROVIDENCE - Sacred Heart Parish 100 Taunton Ave
Last Sun 11:00 am
Pho (401) 434-0326
Archdiocese of Hartford, diocese of Bridgeport, diocese of Norwich
Diocese of Bridgeport
06608 - BRIDGEPORT - Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church 79 Church Street
Sun 10:15 am
Pho (203) 333-7003
Diocese (Msgr Joseph Pekar)
06850 - NORWALK - St. Mary's Catholic Church 669 West Ave
Sun 9:30 am
Wed 7 pm
Pho (203) 866-5546
06902 - STAMFORD - Sacred Heart Church 37 Schuyler Ave
1st sun 1:30 pm
Pho (203) 324-9544
Diocese (Fr Sherman Gray, Fr John Pikulski)
06905 - STAMFORD - St Gabriel Church 914 Newfield Ave
Sun 12:30 pm
Pho (203) 322-7383
Diocese of Norwich
06469 - MOODUS - St Bridget of Kildare Church North Moodus Rd
Sun 12 pm
Pho (860) 873-8623
Diocese (Fr Gregoire Fluet)
Archdiocese of Hartford
05611 - NEW HAVEN - St Stanislaus Church 9 Eld Street
Sun 2 pm
Pho (203) 562-2828
06051 - NEW BRITAIN - Church of St Mary 544 Main Street
Sun 4 pm
Pho (860) 229-4894
06074 - WINDSOR - St Lawrence Mission 1001 Foster Street - HARTFORD
Sun 3:45 pm
Pho (860) 644-5799
SSPX (Fr John Pfeiffer)
06082 - ENFIELD - St Martha Church 214 Brainard Road
Sun 12 pm
Pho (860) 745-5616
06702 - WATERBURY - Immaculate Conception Church 74 West Main Street
Sun 6 pm
Pho (203) 574-0017
06877 - RIDGEFIELD - St. Ignatius Retreat House 209 Tackora Trl
Sun 9:00 am
Daily 7:15 am
Pho (203) 431-0201
SSPX (Fr Gerardo Zendejas)
Diocese of Manchester
03457 - MUNSONVILLE - Our Lady of the Snows North Shore Rd., Granite Lake
2nd or 3rd Sun 1:00 pm
Phone (603) 847 3361 or (603) 847 3362
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
..... - SALEM - St Francis Xavier Cabrini Mission
Phone (603) 764 52 18
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
03282 - WENTWORTH - St Anne's Chapel Ellsworth Hill Rd.
Sunday 9:30 am except 3rd 1:00 pm
Daily mass 8:00 am
Phone (603) 764 52 18
Fr D'Cruz (Friend of SSPX)
03060 - NASHUA - St Patrick Church 29 Spring Street
2nd & 4th Sun 1:30 pm
Pho (603) 882-2262
Diocese (Fr Martin Kelly)
03431 - KEENE - St Margaret Mary Church 33 Arch Street
3rd & 5th Sun 3 pm
Pho (603) 352-1311
Diocese (Fr Daniel Lamothe)
03755 - HANOVER - St Denis Parish 29 Lebanon Street
1st & 3rd Sun 9 am
Pho (603) 643-2166
Diocese (Fr Becket Soule)
03801 - PORTSMOUTH - Immaculate Conception Church 98 Summer Street
1st Sun 11 am
Fri 12 pm
Pho (603) 436-4555
Diocese (Fr Michael Kerper)
Diocese of Portland
04101 - PORTLAND - Immaculate Conception Cathedral Chapel 307 Congress St
Sun 12 pm
Pho (207) 773-7746
Diocese (Fr James Nadeau)
04240 - LEWISTON - Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 27 Bartlett Street
Sun 8 am
Pho (207) 777-1200
04553 - NEWCASTLE - St Patrick Church 32 Pond Road
2nd sun 12:30 pm
Pho (207) 563-3240
Diocese (Fr Stephen Mulkern)
Diocese of Burlington
05033 - BRADFORD - Our Lady of Perpetual Help 113 Upper Plain
Sat 4 pm
Pho (802) 222-5268
Diocese (Fr Philip LaMothe?)
Labels: Restorationists
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Midweek Mix: Special Scots Edition
The Corries, A Man's a Man
Pipes and Drums of the 42nd Regiment Of Foot (Black Watch or Royal Highland Regiment), Sword Dance
The Real McKenzies, Loch Lomond
Natalie MacMaster, Blue Bonnets Over the Border
The Tim Malloys, Hey Johnny Cope
The Old Blind Dogs, The Cruel Sister
The Abbey Tavern Singers, The Gallant Forty Twa
The Old Blind Dogs, The Battle of Harlaw
Pipes and Drums of the 42nd Regiment Of Foot (Black Watch or Royal Highland Regiment), Sword Dance
The Real McKenzies, Loch Lomond
Natalie MacMaster, Blue Bonnets Over the Border
The Tim Malloys, Hey Johnny Cope
The Old Blind Dogs, The Cruel Sister
The Abbey Tavern Singers, The Gallant Forty Twa
The Old Blind Dogs, The Battle of Harlaw
Labels: Pleasing Tunes
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Summer Heatwave
Boston is in the midst of a nasty hot spell, even if it doesn't qualify as an official heatwave in the city (3 days of 90 degrees or higher official recorded temperature). There is a heat advisory today.
Labels: New England Things
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Virtual Fireworks
Ok, it's not the same as the real thing. But I'm a July baby, and I love my fireworks.
Nothing could be more American than watching fireworks on July 4th. Yet, for many in remote areas, this is not practical. Your town may not be putting on a display this year because of budget constraints. Or you might not be able to get to the nearest fireworks display.
It is a tradition here at Recta Ratio to link to virtual fireworks displays you can enjoy in the comfort of your own study. So turn off the lights, crank up the volume on your speakers, plug some John Phillips Sousa, some Handel Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks, and some Williamsburg Corps of Fifes and Drums into the CD player, pour yourself some wine, and put some more mustard on that hot dog!
I always link to Hogpainter's fireworks display. For the record, I recently figured out that this is a guy who paints motorcycles. So "hogs" are motorcycles. Live and learn.
And try this one.
But you activate it by left-clicking the mouse within the field.
I like this one, too.
This one allows you to watch fireworks over the White House and over New York City, or at a carnival or baseball game.
This one over New York Harbor reminds me of the one 20 years ago (can it be that long?) when the Statue of Liberty was newly rehabbed and President Reagan came for the show and watched from the deck of USS Iowa. We surely need another Reagan now to set the country going again.
Happy Independence Day!
Nothing could be more American than watching fireworks on July 4th. Yet, for many in remote areas, this is not practical. Your town may not be putting on a display this year because of budget constraints. Or you might not be able to get to the nearest fireworks display.
It is a tradition here at Recta Ratio to link to virtual fireworks displays you can enjoy in the comfort of your own study. So turn off the lights, crank up the volume on your speakers, plug some John Phillips Sousa, some Handel Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks, and some Williamsburg Corps of Fifes and Drums into the CD player, pour yourself some wine, and put some more mustard on that hot dog!
I always link to Hogpainter's fireworks display. For the record, I recently figured out that this is a guy who paints motorcycles. So "hogs" are motorcycles. Live and learn.
And try this one.
But you activate it by left-clicking the mouse within the field.
I like this one, too.
This one allows you to watch fireworks over the White House and over New York City, or at a carnival or baseball game.
This one over New York Harbor reminds me of the one 20 years ago (can it be that long?) when the Statue of Liberty was newly rehabbed and President Reagan came for the show and watched from the deck of USS Iowa. We surely need another Reagan now to set the country going again.
Happy Independence Day!
Labels: American Patriotism Is Not A Sin
July 4th, 1776

For those men who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 2nd, 1776, the odds did not look very good. Public opinion polls, if they existed, probably would have told them that only one-third of the population favored the course upon which they were about to embark. One-third was indifferent. One-third opposed independence. The men gathered from the thirteen colonies in Philadelphia, even without polling, probably had a sense that this was the case. After all, recruitment for the Continental Army was disappointing, and there had already been more than one pro-British uprising by loyalists.
The army which would be the primary instrument of winning independence was scarcely disciplined, poorly uniformed, badly armed, and ill-supplied with food and ammunition. Pay was a promise (which, in fact, was mostly ignored 7 years later). Its generals had no experience commanding larger bodies of troops than a battalion. Many found themselves commanding troops just because of political influence in their colonies.
True, there had been some victories. Boston had been rendered untenable for the enemy, and he had evacuated it. Fort Ticonderoga had fallen to a surprise attack, and supplied the heavy artillery that had led the British to evacuate Boston. Montreal had been captured, though that invasion force had been stopped at Quebec, and even now, after being rolled back within the boundaries of New York, was building an anti-invasion fleet on Lake Champlain. The delegates in Philadelphia probably did not know it, but an enemy invasion of Charleston, SC had been averted a few days before.
But there had also been defeats. Despite inflicting heavy losses on the enemy, Bunker Hill had been captured. The attempt to capture Canada had failed miserably.
Most significant was what was coming. As the delegates debated independence, they knew that the British army that had left Boston was en route from Halifax, probably heading for New York. If their spies were accurate, that army would rendezvous with another escorted by an even larger fleet. And those troops who had failed to capture Charleston were also heading to New York with a large fleet. Large numbers of British and German troops had driven the American Northern Army from Canada, and were poised to drive down Lake Champlain.
These troops who would confront their own tattered, inexperienced army were the best Europe could field. British troops who had conquered an empire just 15 years before would be joined by excellent troops from Brunswick and Hesse Cassel, Frederick the Great's best allies. The enemy was supported by professional artillerists, and by a navy that was (despite peacetime decline and corruption) still, ship-for-ship, the best in the world. Thousands of their fellow countrymen would be happy to take up arms alongside the British army. To make matters worse, the Indian nations were ready to take up arms on behalf of the King, raising the prospect of burned farms, scalped settlers, and women and children abducted into captivity among the savages.
The men in Philadelphia must have found the prospect of declaring independence a daunting task. In the next three months, the most likely outcome was that the British army would take New York, flatten their own army, and then march on Philadelphia to hang them for treason. Their property would be taken from their families. At best they would become fugitives constantly on the run from British authorities.
But the best of them had a vision for the future, and strong reasons to feel the need to break with the past, while preserving much of the societal and cultural heritage they had come into. The vision was that they would govern themselves, as they actually had for the most part, until the Imperial government decided to tap America for revenue to pay for keeping the peace with the Indians. John Winthrop's vision of a city set upon a hill remained a strong one, and merged with Locke's ideas about government, and newer ideas coming from Adam Smith about how an economy ought to be allowed to develop. A unified vision of a new nation which would serve as a beacon of liberty for all nations emerged, and was in the forefront of the minds of the men in Philadelphia. They had in this synthesis of ideas and in adapting to conditions on the American frontier, become a new nationality in need of a new nation.
And yet, despite all the obstacles, it was the vision that prevailed, and not the balance of forces. It is that vision that we celebrate today. John Adams, who did more than anyone to push the cause of independence through Congress, wrote to his wife that July 2, 1776 (the day the Declaration was approved):
"...Will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverence by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more."
May it always be so!

First reading of the Declaration of Independence at Boston's Old State House

Labels: American Patriotism Is Not A Sin
The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
From The Liturgical Year, by Abbot Prosper Gueranger, OSB:
The Office for the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, which began yesterday evening, reminded us, in its Magnificat antiphon, of a repentance which has never had an equal. David, the royal prophet, the conqueror of Goliath, himself conquered by sensuality, and from adulterer become a murderer, at last felt the crushing weight of his double crime, and exclaimed: ‘I do beseech thee, O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant, for I have done foolishly!’ Sin is always a folly and a weakness, no matter of what kind it may be, or who he be that commits it. The rebel angel, and fallen man, may, in their pride, make efforts to persuade themselves that, when they sinned, they did not act as fools, and were not weak; but all their efforts are vain; sin must ever have this disgrace upon it, that it is folly and weakness, for it is a revolt against God, a contempt for His law, a mad act of the creature, who, being made by his Creator to attain infinite happiness and glory, prefers to debase himself by turning towards nothingness, and then falls even lower than the nothingness from which he was taken. It is, however, a folly that is voluntary, and a weakness that has no excuse; for, although the creature have nothing of his own but darkness and misery, yet his infinitely merciful Creator, by means of His grace, which is never, wanting, puts within that creature’s reach divine strength and light. It is so with even the sinner that has been the least liberally gifted; he has no reason that can justify his offences. But when he that sins is a creature who has been laden with God’s gifts, and, by His divine generosity, been raised higher than others in the order of grace, oh! then the offence he commits against his benefactor is an injury that has no name. Let this be remembered by those who, like David, could say that their God has ‘multiplied His magnificence’ over them. They may, perhaps, have been led by Him into high paths which are reserved for the favoured few, and may have reached the heights of divine union: yet must they be on their guard; no one who has still to carry with him the burden of a mortal body of flesh is safe, unless by exercising a ceaseless vigilance. On the mountains, as on the plains and in the valleys, at all times and in all places, a fall is possible; but when it is on those lofty peaks which, in this land of exile, seem bordering on heaven, and but one step from the ‘entrance into the powers of the Lord,’ what a terrific fall when the foot slips there! The yawning precipices which that soul had avoided on her ascent are now all open to engulf her; abyss after abyss of crime she rushes into, and with a violence of passion that terrifies even them that have long been nothing but wickedness.
Poor fallen soul! pride, like that of satan, will now try to keep her obstinately fixed in her crimes: but, from the depths into which she has fallen, let her, like David, send forth the cry of humility; let her lament her abominations; let her not be afraid to look up, through her tears, at those glorious heights which were once her abode—an anticipated heaven. Without further delay, let her imitate the royal penitent, and say with him: ‘I have sinned against the Lord!’ and she will hear the same answer that he did: ‘The Lord hath taken away thy sin; thou shalt not die’; and as with David, so also with her, God may still do grand things in her. David, when innocent, was a faithful image of Christ, who was the object of the love of both heaven and earth; David, sinner but penitent, was still the figure of the Man-God, as laden with the sins of the whole world, and bearing on His single self the merciful and just vengeance of His offended Father.
In the Mass of this Sunday, which they call the sixth of Saint Matthew, the Greeks read the account of the cure of the paralytic, which is related in the ninth chapter of that evangelist. The preceding chapter, with its episode of the centurion and the two possessed, had furnished them with the Gospels for their fourth and fifth Sundays.
It is difficult to see what connexion there is between the Mass and the Office of this Sunday, as they are at present arranged. Honorius of Autun and Durandus applied the Introit and the other sung portions which follow, to the inauguration of Solomon’s reign. At the period when those two writers lived, the Scripture lessons for this Sunday were taken from the first pages of the second Book of Paralipomenon, where we have the account of the glorious early days of David’s son. But, since that time, it has been the Church’s practice to continue the reading of the four Books of Kings up to the month of August, omitting altogether the two Books of Paralipomenon, which were but a practical repetition of the events already, related in previous lessons. So that the connexion suggested by the two writers just mentioned has no foundation in the actual arrangement of to-day’s liturgy. We must, therefore, be satisfied with taking from the Introit the teaching of what it is that constitutes the Christian’s courage, viz., his faith in God’s power which is always ready to help him, and the conviction of his own nothingness, which keeps him from all presumption.
The Office for the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, which began yesterday evening, reminded us, in its Magnificat antiphon, of a repentance which has never had an equal. David, the royal prophet, the conqueror of Goliath, himself conquered by sensuality, and from adulterer become a murderer, at last felt the crushing weight of his double crime, and exclaimed: ‘I do beseech thee, O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant, for I have done foolishly!’ Sin is always a folly and a weakness, no matter of what kind it may be, or who he be that commits it. The rebel angel, and fallen man, may, in their pride, make efforts to persuade themselves that, when they sinned, they did not act as fools, and were not weak; but all their efforts are vain; sin must ever have this disgrace upon it, that it is folly and weakness, for it is a revolt against God, a contempt for His law, a mad act of the creature, who, being made by his Creator to attain infinite happiness and glory, prefers to debase himself by turning towards nothingness, and then falls even lower than the nothingness from which he was taken. It is, however, a folly that is voluntary, and a weakness that has no excuse; for, although the creature have nothing of his own but darkness and misery, yet his infinitely merciful Creator, by means of His grace, which is never, wanting, puts within that creature’s reach divine strength and light. It is so with even the sinner that has been the least liberally gifted; he has no reason that can justify his offences. But when he that sins is a creature who has been laden with God’s gifts, and, by His divine generosity, been raised higher than others in the order of grace, oh! then the offence he commits against his benefactor is an injury that has no name. Let this be remembered by those who, like David, could say that their God has ‘multiplied His magnificence’ over them. They may, perhaps, have been led by Him into high paths which are reserved for the favoured few, and may have reached the heights of divine union: yet must they be on their guard; no one who has still to carry with him the burden of a mortal body of flesh is safe, unless by exercising a ceaseless vigilance. On the mountains, as on the plains and in the valleys, at all times and in all places, a fall is possible; but when it is on those lofty peaks which, in this land of exile, seem bordering on heaven, and but one step from the ‘entrance into the powers of the Lord,’ what a terrific fall when the foot slips there! The yawning precipices which that soul had avoided on her ascent are now all open to engulf her; abyss after abyss of crime she rushes into, and with a violence of passion that terrifies even them that have long been nothing but wickedness.
Poor fallen soul! pride, like that of satan, will now try to keep her obstinately fixed in her crimes: but, from the depths into which she has fallen, let her, like David, send forth the cry of humility; let her lament her abominations; let her not be afraid to look up, through her tears, at those glorious heights which were once her abode—an anticipated heaven. Without further delay, let her imitate the royal penitent, and say with him: ‘I have sinned against the Lord!’ and she will hear the same answer that he did: ‘The Lord hath taken away thy sin; thou shalt not die’; and as with David, so also with her, God may still do grand things in her. David, when innocent, was a faithful image of Christ, who was the object of the love of both heaven and earth; David, sinner but penitent, was still the figure of the Man-God, as laden with the sins of the whole world, and bearing on His single self the merciful and just vengeance of His offended Father.
In the Mass of this Sunday, which they call the sixth of Saint Matthew, the Greeks read the account of the cure of the paralytic, which is related in the ninth chapter of that evangelist. The preceding chapter, with its episode of the centurion and the two possessed, had furnished them with the Gospels for their fourth and fifth Sundays.
It is difficult to see what connexion there is between the Mass and the Office of this Sunday, as they are at present arranged. Honorius of Autun and Durandus applied the Introit and the other sung portions which follow, to the inauguration of Solomon’s reign. At the period when those two writers lived, the Scripture lessons for this Sunday were taken from the first pages of the second Book of Paralipomenon, where we have the account of the glorious early days of David’s son. But, since that time, it has been the Church’s practice to continue the reading of the four Books of Kings up to the month of August, omitting altogether the two Books of Paralipomenon, which were but a practical repetition of the events already, related in previous lessons. So that the connexion suggested by the two writers just mentioned has no foundation in the actual arrangement of to-day’s liturgy. We must, therefore, be satisfied with taking from the Introit the teaching of what it is that constitutes the Christian’s courage, viz., his faith in God’s power which is always ready to help him, and the conviction of his own nothingness, which keeps him from all presumption.
Labels: The Liturgical Year